Saturday, June 29, 2013

SNJSS condemns anti-Sikkimese Nepali elements

Posted on  by iSikkim | Category: Featured Post Latest News | 46 views | 0 Comments
Gangtok, June 26, 2013
The Sikkimey Nepali Jaatiya Sangharsha Samiti on the initiative of Nepali Sahitya Parishad has strongly condemned the allegation of some of those anti-Sikkimese Nepali elements.
The committee strongly demands that they take their allegation back and apologize to Sikkimese Nepali for their blunders tagging the community as foreigners, lest the committee will go for a non-cooperation movement state-wide against them.
The meeting of the newly formed committee presided over by the former DGP CP Giri has passed a resolution to make the Sikkimese Nepali throughout the state aware of the malign intention of those anti-Nepali elements through leaflet distribution.
The committee has also decided to submit memorandum to the union government, state government and other concerned agencies. The committee has also decided to hold a meeting on the ensuing Sunday of 30th June as release issued by its assistant convener Raju Giri.
The state level meeting will be organized to protest against the damaging intentions of those people within old settlers association and determine the future course of action against them.
The committee has nominated Dr. Kamal Gurung as the coordinator for South and West districts and Keshav Bhattrai for North and East Sikkim.
To pursue the campaign against anti-Sikkimese Nepali elements through the legal course of action, the convener, Kuber Chandra Dahal and CP Giri have been entrusted with the responsibility.
The committee after a long deliberation over the issue has condemned their action and warned them that such mistake be never repeated ever in future.

BGP Sikkim feels old settlers have misguided Supreme Court

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People aspersing Sikkimese Nepali as foreigner rather curse  their own ancestors: KN Sharma
Gangtok, June 27, 2013
Bharatiya Gorkha Parishangh (BGP) , Sikkim strongly condemning the aspersion against Sikkimese Nepali by anti social elements within so-called Old Settlers of Sikkim put forth a strong objection to their remark as absolutely  anti social gesture. This so-called old settlers, as the BGP Sikkim president K N Sharma  stated that they on the  advice of the then Indian political officer in Sikkim refuse to accept Sikkim Subject ship in 1961 denying  their allegiance  and faith  to the then Choygal and the Kingdom of Sikkim. With the pride of being an Indian, they thought Sikkim Subject of no value then, a press release stated.
Now the Central Income Tax (IT) exemption to the native Sikkimese Nepali has become a cause for their heart burn which is very much pitiable. For the anguish of their   own past mistake they should not subject native Sikkimese Nepali as foreigner to heal their heart for petty gain like  IT exemption.
The IT exemption by Government is constitutionally guaranteed to the native Sikkimese under the preview of the provisions granted under article 371 (F) which excludes these so called Old settlers who calms themselves the Indians. Hence the exemption doesn’t include them as they are not native Sikkimese as per the constitution .
And asking IT exemption for themselves labeling Sikkimese Nepali as foreigner is a logic totally absurd and highly objectionable. President Sharma suggests that these anti social elements to restrain themselves from sawing seed of communal hatred for their own safety.
And apologizing for their mistake will help them correct and carve out a secure place for themselves in Sikkimese society for a peaceful co-existence. President Sharma also has offered them with options  and  suggested them to make their own choice as to what may be better for their own selves .
BGP Sikkim has observed that the perjury that they have laid before the honorable Supreme Court has the effect that it may misled the highest court of the land.
BGP Sikkim has  also been  authorized by the central committee of the BGP  to take all steps to resolve this issue and to clear all erroneous  misconceptions about the national status of Gorkhas of Sikkim.

Sikkim National People’s Party condemns petition filed in SC

Posted on  by iSikkim | Category: Featured Post Local News | 67 views | 2 Comments
Gangtok, June 28, 2013
The Sikkim National People’s Party (SNPP) held a meeting on the 27th of June 2013 to discussing the petition filed by the old settlers of Sikkim in the Supreme Court for exemption from Income Tax as granted to the bonafide Sikkim Subject holders. The meeting went through the petition in detail and after much discussion, resolved to issue the following statement.
The SNPP strongly condemns the choice of words used in the petition to describe the Sikkimese of Nepali origin as foreigners, which shows an absolute lack of sensitivity on the part of the petitioners regarding the sentiment and pride of the majority community who, incidentally, have been supporting the petitioners in their efforts to exempt themselves from paying Income Tax from the beginning.
The party feels this is a betrayal of the trust which has existed for so long and is of the opinion that just a simple apology to the Nepali community will not suffice, and the petitioners will have to make visible efforts in order bring back the trust as it was.
The SNPP also feels that these repeated assaults on the identity of the Sikkimese of Nepali origin is because the seats reserved for the community was illegally done away with.
The Nepali community of Sikkim has not taken this matter up as a serious political issue, despite the fact that the Constitution permits all seats in Sikkim to be reserved for Sikkim Subject Holders only.
The Party feels that till the seat reservation is restored, the Sikkimese of Nepali Origin will not get their due even after having papers like the Sikkim Subject Certificate, and will be subject to these demeaning accusations in the future also.
The party hopes that this incident will be the eye-opener for the people to renew their demands for the restoration of seat reservations which were in place and which will put an end to such absurd insinuations.