Gangtok, 13th Jan: Chief Minister Mr Pawan Chamling chaired the coordination meeting of all Heads of Government Departments here at Chintan Bhawan today. The Chief Minister reviewed the status of works carried out as a follow up of the last coordination meeting held on 18th June, 2013. The Chief Minister laid down issues that needed urgent intervention from all Departments, and also made a series of important announcements.
After reviewing the progress of work stipulated in the last meeting, the Chief Minister made the following reiterations:
1) Databank of employees of all Government Departments to be prepared on priority.
2) Officers of the level of Special Secretary and above to invariably visit the Districts once in two months.
3) Salary of Namchi Blind School employees be immediately dispatched.
4) 17000 unemployed youth to be imparted skill training within two years.
5) Need to render adequate publicity to the Helpline created for mitigation of issues like crime, rape, suicides and any unlawful activities in the State.
6) Adequate training to Lines-men working in Power Department for aversion of any accident.
7) Immediate construction of Village Level Workers'(VLW) Quarters. Issues like land acquisition be dealt with effectively.
8) About the goal of the Government towards making Sikkim a total Organic State by 2015, the Chief Minister informed that the State has achieved 100% organic certification. This, he said, should be complimented with adequate awareness to the people, especially the farming community, for sustenance of the Mission.
9) The Chief Minister recalled a directive issued two years back to the Forest Department for the supply of substantial quantity of timber to the RM&DD for construction of houses under CMRHM and REDRH. He called for immediate compliance.
The Chief Minister further laid down a list of deliverables:
1) He announced the dates for Janata Mela to be held in all the District Headquarters; 31st January in Mangan, 2nd February in Gangtok, 4th February in Namchi, and 6th February in Geyzing. In this connection, he directed concerned departments like RM&DD, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Horticulture, SIDICO and SAABCO to ensure availability of all required materials,sanction list, grant in the form of schemes and cheques to be handed over to the beneficiaries.He made a special mention of grant of vehicles to beneficiaries considering the upsurge of tourism industry in the State.
2) Tourism loans should give more impetus to individuals establishing tourism-related amenities. Also, preference be given to activities like poultry, dairy farming, floriculture and agriculture.
3) He directed the UD&HD Department to regularise all unauthorised houses especially in areas like Rongli, Rangpo, Nayabazar and Rorathang within the month of January.
4) He directed the Power Department and RM&DD to facilitate electricity and water supply schemes in villages which have been completely left out.
5) The Chief Minister issued a directive to the Forest Department to use the timber from the road widening for implementation of schemes like REDRH and CMRHM. He also directed for the establishment of a saw mill each in Melli, Legship and Ravangla for supply of timber to RM&DD for timely implementation of the Rural Housing Schemes.
6) He called for urgent action to regularise all ad-hoc employees who have served for 10 years and above.He added that the Government has already regularised employees who served for 15-20 years.
7) He directed the HRDD to remove all bottle-necks related to posting and transfer of teachers in all schools, timely supply of books and uniforms before the beginning of the next session. He was loud and clear in his directive that all problems related to the above issues be redressed within the month of January.
8)The Chief Minister also called for timely up-gradation of schools.
9) The Chief Minister directed the DOP to carry out promotions, transfers and other staffing related work on priority.
10) He urged the concerned department to tap any shortage of food and essential commodities before and during the upcoming elections.
11) He also urged the concerned department to use State quotas for food grains like wheat very judiciously.
12) The Chief Minister directed the Police Department to increase police cover in sensitive areas and be vigilant about any peace-thwarting elements operating from within the State.
13) He directed the Power Department to make all the water fountains functional.
14) He directed the DOP to remove issues related to variation in pay structure of employees of different categories before the initiation of the 6th Pay Commission.
15) He further directed the DOP to remove the Assured Career Progression Scheme, and expedite the process of employee regularization in a few departments like IPR and HRDD.
16) The Chief Minister called on the HODs to come out with suggestions to improve the administrative setup for a more advanced and transparent system of functioning, with impetus on accountability and responsibility among the subordinates. He also stressed on the need to improve e-governance and power decentralization at the level of the GVK.
17) He called for making annual recruitment drive mandatory for filling up vacancies.
In the course of the meeting, the Chief Minister also made a few important announcements:
1) 50 units free electricity to rural household would be increased to 100 units w.e.f. 1st April 2014.
2) Grant of financial assistance to Government College students to be revived w.e.f. 1st April 2014.It may be mentioned here that the scheme had been discontinued for a brief period.
3) 75% subsidy will be given to any educated unemployed youth to start a business. The relaxation in subsidy will extend to areas like driving licence, environmental clearance etc.
4) Mabong Singyang GVK, currently under Chakung West Sikkim, be shifted to Soreng for public convenience.
5) BPL category people seeking medical treatment should be granted a one-time advance grant of 2 lakhs. Any expenditure above this amount should be reimbursed subsequently.
6) Admission rate to schools should be 100% and drop out rate should be brought down to 0%.
7) The Chief Minister accorded in-principle approval for the construction of a Football Academy at Rangpo Mining Ground, Mazitar, East Sikkim.He stated that the ground does not have the required facilities for a cricket ground,and hence suggested for the football academy.