Monday, August 23, 2010

Team of Urban Local Bodies meets Chief Minister


This being the first official meeting of the representatives of the Urban Local Bodies with the Chief Minister, the team expressed their good wishes and thanked the Chief Minister for according them a chance to serve the people. They also apprised the Chief Minister on various activities being undertaken by them in their respective wards in all the four districts
23 August,IPR: The members of the newly constituted Urban Local Bodies led by the Mayor Gangtok Municipal Corporation Mr. K.N.Topgay, called on the Chief Minister Mr. Pawan Chamling at Samman Bhawan today on 23rd August 2010. Also present on the occasion were, Minister UD& HD Mr.D.B.Thapa, Chairman and Deputy Chairman Namchi Nagar Parisad, Commissioner Cum Secretary UD&HD Mr.Tobjor Dorjee, S.D.F. Party Secretary Mr. S.K. Pradhan, Presidents and Vice Presidents of various Nagar Panchayat, Councilors from Gangtok Municipal Corporation, and others.

This being the first official meeting of the representatives of the Urban Local Bodies with the Chief Minister, the team expressed their good wishes and thanked the Chief Minister for according them a chance to serve the people. They also apprised the Chief Minister on various activities being undertaken by them in their respective wards in all the four districts, and highlighted various problems in the area of their jurisdiction. The agendas included, working towards slum free State, proposals for systematization of Solid Waste Management, procuring of garbage disposal vans, allocation of funds and beautification of urban areas, sanitation, drainage, encroachments in town areas, urban roads, renovation, carpeting, unemployment and other important issues concerning administration and setting up offices, literacy mission, setting of police outpost at Sichey, construction of Shivalaya at Sichey, crematorium at Jorethang, Issue of residential certificates, professional tax,registration of labours from outside the state etc. The ULB Members further assured to work with utmost dedication for the benefit of the public, upholding the party manifesto thereby converting the vision of the Chief Minister into reality.

The Chief Minister welcoming them said that for the first time in the history of Sikkim, the State witnessed the election of Urban Local Bodies. The ruling government deserves credit that even the business community was accorded party tickets to contest the Municipal election and involved them in governance and decision making. The old business community should not feel left out and that they have not been recognized. The present Government has taken a bold step and provided legitimate rights of the Business Community for the first time in the history of Democratic Sikkim.

Addressing the august gathering, he further appealed to the members to be fully aware of their duties and responsibilities and work for the benefit of the urban people and at the same time contribute towards the development of the State. The Chief Minister added that it is the people who elected them to power and it becomes important for them to be humble and incorporate public opinions in their policies and programmes. Besides, he also said that devolution of power to the Urban Local Bodies and Panchayat have empowered these governing bodies and they are now answerable to the people. Generating mass awareness on various social issues and disseminating information to them can do a world of good in educating and creating a socially awakened community in our society. He said Sikkim is moving ahead in the right direction and the image of the state is high as far as other states are concerned. Everyone should keep up this trend and emphasis on qualitative work.

Referring to the development and beautification of the towns in Sikkim, the Chief Minister said that the first phase of the work has already been started. Comprehensive Mobility Plan and Development Guide Plan of major towns in the state has already been prepared by the Urban Development and Housing Department keeping in mind how the urban development should be carried out in the State. He also said that proper planning of land scaping by planting of flowering trees like rhododendron, duck wood, cherries etc as per their climatic viability, solid waste management, drainage, urban sanitation, sewerage treatment plant, creation of parks, garden, tourist infrastructures, fire station, car plaza etc. will be developed in all the bazaars duly keeping in mind the fragile ecology of the State. Besides, the provision of pedestrian walkways, Park , toilet facilities, and drinking water supply has also been incorporated. He also mentioned that the projects which are viable and eco-friendly will be implemented in all bazaars, he added. He also sought unconditional support of all the members in these ventures and asked them to generate awareness among the public on various policy decisions taken by the government on issues like ban on plastic, garbage disposal, adult education etc..

The Chief Minister also assured to look into all the demands made by the representatives of the ULB and also assured them all possible help. He also directed UD&HD Secretary to coordinate with the members and related Departments in fulfilling their request.
Dozen questions from Delay Namgyal on Pink Card exercise to CM

Sikkim express Report

GANGTOK, August 22: Claiming that the ordinary Sikkimese is confused about the rationale behind the Pink Card drive by the State government, politician Delay Namgyal Barfungpa in his personal capacity as a local resident has posed twelve questions to the Chief Minister seeking a guarantee that the Pink Cards are not a replacement to the Sikkim Subject Certificates.

“The people of Sikkim are confused about the Pink Card and the motive behind it. We are all made to believe by the district officials that due to various CoI that were issued to non-Sikkimese people during the last three decades, the Pink Card was a means to verify the original Sikkimese (having serial and volume number as per the Sikkim Subject Register) from the later settlers”, said Barfungpa in his letter addressed to the Chief Minister.

“What are the guarantees that Pink Card will not replace the Sikkim Subject Certificates? Will the original Sikkim Subject holders without serial and volume number get the Pink Card? Will the citizens who have lived in Sikkim for generations and have records of Dhuri Khajana and Patta Khajana, but have no Sikkim Subject Certificates will be eligible?”, questioned Barfungpa.

Barfungpa also questioned about the locus-standi of the Pink Cards in the national level.

Stating that there is a ‘tremendous resentment among all the Sikkimese’ over the Pink Card exercise, Barfungpa also sought to know under the provisions which Act are the Residential Certificates, a ‘surprise announcement’, ultimately going to be issued.

“What political, social and economic rights shall the recipients of the Residential Certificates enjoy in Sikkim? Will the rights be any different from the Pink Card holders? What is the cut-off year be?”, questioned Barfungpa. He also requested to know what steps the State government is proposing to check fake domicile certificates.

Friday, August 13, 2010

PS Tamang whips govt on Residential Certificate

source: VoiceofSikkim on Aug 12, 2010

12 August, Gangtok:

Talking on issuing Residential Certificate to the settlers who do not possess Sikkim Subject Certificate and those have been settled before 1975, government should have at least bothered to make collective response after discussions. An announcement of issuing residential certificate to the old settlers has unfolded monopoly nature of the government, he said. Over the issue no any information was availed to me or intimated by letter being me myself a MLA. The decision was purely unconstitutional and undemocratic he whipped Chamling government being irresponsible for taking up such crucial matter so lightly.
SSSBS opposes residential certificate

source: VoiceofSikkim

by Sashi Thapa

SSSBS opposes residential certificate & appointment of non-local maths teachers
12 August, Gangtok: Sikkim Sachet Swarojgar and Berojgar Sanghatan SSSBS has pronounced there oppose against the Chief Minister’s announcement over the issuing of ‘residential certificate’ to the left out community of Sikkim.

The Sanghatan signalling that the announcement would tarnish the future of 40,000 unemployed youths of Sikkim, urged immediate intervention into the issue. The process of issuing residential certificate to the left outs will endanger the original Sikkimese decedents and their rights.

The government at least should have discussed the matter with veteran, intellectuals citizens of the society before making such grave announcement, said the General Secretary Deb Gurung to the media today. “The people who have come from outside state for a job and are settled in Sikkim will then have a dual citizenship, in such case under what basis government will issue residential certificate?”, questioned General Secretary Gurung.

The Sanghathan has welcomed the government’s policy of Pink Card issuing but not on basis of 1975 as a mark-up year but in accordance to 1951-1952 Land Survey records. Sanghathan further alleged that as per the Land Survey record of 1952-152 more than 300 beneficiaries are being cut-off from Sikkim Subject Certificate, those should be availed Pink Card immediately. Announcement to issue Residential Certificate to left outs should immediately come to cease which may otherwise create uninvited trouble for the authentic citizens, said
Residential Certificate to the ‘Left Out’ is simply a gimmick – Prem Goyal

source: VoiceofSikkim

11 August, Gangtok: With the speech made by the Chief Minister to issue a Residential Certificate to the left out of Sikkimese community, a huge rush of appreciation was bagged by the Chief Minister by the business wards of the left out community. In the other hand scores of intellectuals belonging to the left out community has made their apprehension stating that this is simply a gimmick and nothing more to divert the attention of innocent community. In one such situation Sikkim Nagarik Sangarsh Sameti hard core member duo executive Prem Goyal have stumble upon the issuing of residential certificate.

He said, the tactical game play of the state government to juggle ‘IT expemtion’ ,’facilities’ and ‘racism’ will pour a big trouble for the people of Sikkim in the coming time near future.

All confusions would have been cleared if the state government had termed Sikkimese to those who have come before 26 April 1975 and others non-Sikkimese. A solution which the Sameti has been raising since many times to the state government making that as a markup year.

He said that, as per the state government cabinet memorandum on 21 August 2007which segregate the community those who will be exempted from IT and who will not, this all of sudden exemption for left out community of Sikkim is not more than a political drama.

The centre has no time for listening to petty issues again and again, once the memorandum has been sent to centre by the state government for exemption of IT for Sikkim Subject Holders and their decedents it is all done. Will the state government accept error or go for modification of memorandum and re-submit it to the centre thereby considering IT exemption for everybody?

State government give in a writing to me if it cannot do it, I guarantee that I shall do it within a week said Goyal strongly.

I have nothing to comment on community those who have extended their thanks giving toward the Chief Minister for issuing a speech over Residential Certificate for the left out community, they have a right to freedom of expression, said Goyal. He added that a private resolution was tabled in the assembly regarding the exemption of IT on 11 December 2009 toward the old settler’s decedents who have been settled before Sikkim Subject was Rules formed, those old settlers who owns a land in rural sector before 1963 before Sikkim Subject was introduced, those settlers whose decedents parents were government servants in Sikkim before 1969 , unfortunately things are not been done according to the resolution?

State Government’s proposal of issuing of residential Certificate is a tricky question which is puzzling the innocent people , here I have nothing to mention if the community falls on such illusion, he said. What is the surety that residential certificate would give a proportionate status to left outs, he said. The only way to find a easy way out to resolve the inequality is either to follow the 22 November 1965 gazette notification which is at par and legitimate formula to designate appropriate stand for left outs instead of making a political speech, he suggested.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Association of Old Settlers of Sikkim

Press Release
10.Aug 2010

The Association of Old Settlers of Sikkim is extremely grateful to Hon’ble Dr Pawan Chamling, Chief Minister of Sikkim for having announced “ residential status” for all those left out people who have been residing in the State prior to its merger with the Union thereby enabling them to all benefits as enjoyed by their Sikkim Subject brethren.

The generous announcement has come after great efforts and deliberations on his part in forming a public opinion and convincing all concerned that all old settlers are an integral part of the Sikkimese Society and deserve equal protection and opportunities.

Dr Chamling has been working relentlessly in this direction for years and more particularly after insertion of section 26AAA in Section 10 of the Income tax Act 1961 which has led to grievances of having been left out, from various sections of the society. Taking due cognizance of this fact his party resolved in the SDF manifesto 2009.. “ While protecting this achievement of securing exemption from the Central Income tax, our Government has not lost sight of the genuine demands of the old business community, old residents and old Government employees-both State and Central. Our Government is seized of the problem and we are going to strongly plead for equal rights..”

He further went on to bring about Resolution no 4 in SDF foundation day MahaAdhivesan at Rangpo on 4 March 2009 reiterating the stand of the popular Government in strong support of the Left Out Categories of the people.

Duly appreciating one and all representations made by various bodies/ associations including Association of Old settlers of Sikkim the Hon’ble Chief Minister brought about and passed a resolution in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly to this effect to be taken up with the concerned ministries of Government of India.

In so far as the Association of Old Settlers is concerned, we have received continuous support and guidance from the Hon’ble Chief Minister who inspired us to prepare a survey of old settlers of Sikkim belonging to business community who are settled in Sikkim prior to merger. A Survey of Old settlers of Sikkim belonging to the business community soliciting socio economic development has accordingly been prepared and submitted to the Government on 8th July 2009 for authentication and consideration for various privileges and opportunities as enjoyed by their Sikkimese brethren.

It is sincerely hoped that with this announcement all apprehensions of the Left Out people of Sikkim shall be put to rest as the same takes further shape in determining them and classifying them as a category for all welfare schemes.

Association of Old Settlers of Sikkim
Mobile: 94340-23594

Monday, August 9, 2010

Residential Certificates should be issued after proper verification’

SE Report

GANGTOK, August 8: Terming Chief Minister Pawan Chamling’s announcement to issue ‘Residential Certificates’ to the left out business category citizens residing in Sikkim as ‘historic’, SDF North/East District publicity secretary Mohamad Khalid today said that the decision has fulfilled the promise of providing equal status and identity to the people residing since the time of the Chogyal regime.

“Now the old settlers, who were suppressed and mostly poor and backward in all business fields will get a renewed chance to stand up in their business again,” Khalid said in a press release issued today.

He has also thanked the Chief Minister for the historic decision. “This is also a proof that SDF’s slogan Bhotey, Lapchay, Nepali and Byapari is not a mere slogan of the party but was true,” he added.

Khalid has further requested that those residential certificates should be issued after proper verification only so that the facilities and opportunities provided by the government should not reach to wrong hands.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

CM announces Residential Certificates for others without Sikkim Subjects


GANGTOK, August 4: Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today claimed that Pink Card drive of the Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) government was chiefly aimed to free the Sikkimese people from the burden of income tax for eternity and to prevent a repeat of 1984.

“Sikkimese Janta were enjoying income tax exemption before 1984 but due to the wrong policy of the then government led to burden of income tax on the people. The industrialists and businessmen from outside reaped maximum benefits meant for the Sikkimese people. We were successfully in removing the income tax burden by convincing the Centre. Now, to prevent a repeat of the 1984 incident, we have come up with the concept of Pink Cards”, explained the Chief Minister during the State level Panchayat Sammelan here at indoor gymnasium hall of the Paljor Stadium.

Speaking for the first time on the concept of the ongoing Pink Card process which has already created a furore among the opposition camps, Chamling said that the Pink Card initiative will be implemented only after the end of this financial year.
We will take opinion from the people before implementing the Pink Card initiative after March 31, next year, said the Chief Minister directing the Panchayats to sensitize the people on the rationale behind the Pink Cards.

One of the major aims of the Pink Card initiative was to arrest the influx in Sikkim, according to the Chief Minister.

“Influx has risen in Sikkim in present times and Pink Cards will help to stop this. Those opposing the Pink Card initiative have to understand the objectives of this initiative to clear their doubts”, said Chamling pointing out that developed nations have also implemented such schemes to protect the local interests.

Chamling also announced that the State government will be issuing residential certificates to those people without Sikkim Subject certificates and had settled in the State before 1975. These certificates will help these people to get trade licenses, taxi licenses and employment in the State, he said.

A ‘Chief Minister’s Literacy Mission’ was also announced on the occasion with the aim to make Sikkim a fully literate State in the next three years. As per the mission, teenagers and aged persons will be given education by the State government.
“Sikkim must be made a fully literate State by 2013”, said Chamling. He said that additional infrastructure amounting to Rs. 25000 will be provided to each school for the mission where the target groups will be taught elementary English, Nepali and mathematics under the charge of the concerned panchayat.

Highlighting the need of quality education, the Chief Minister said the State government is spending Rs. 40,000 annually on each student while an astronomical amount of Rs. 378 crores is spent annually on salaries of the government teachers.
The Chief Minister also took the occasion to take a swipe against the opposition political parties, whom he said, were attacking the State government as they cannot digest the development of the State.

“The opposition parties do not love Sikkim and they are skilled in making allegations of every type just to defame Sikkim”, said Chamling.

The Chief Minister also announced to set up Block Administrative Centre at Parka-Machong, Chumbung-Chakung, Nandu Gaon and Martam.

The Chief Minister also presented the ‘Panchayat Shree’ awards to panchayat members-Meena Kumari Subba (West), Sarad Pradhan (South), Thinley Uzer Bhutia (North) and Deepak Pakhrin (East). The award consists of a citation, shawl and Rs 50,000.
JAC formed to pursue status for old settlers at par with Sikkim Subject holders

sikkim express Report

GANGTOK, August 4: A Joint Action Committee headed by Nagarik Sangrash Samiti president Prem Goyal has been constituted to pursue key issues pertaining to Indian citizens who have settled in Sikkim before the merger.

The JAC was set up during a meeting of ‘original Indian residents in Sikkim before April 26, 1975’ held yesterday at Gangtok. The meeting was to chalk out future course of action to get ‘status and rights’ at par with the Sikkim Subject certificate holders for those individuals and their families who had settled in Sikkim before the merger and do not have the Sikkim Subject Certificates.

Representatives from Sikkim Chamber of Commerce, Association of Old Settlers of Sikkim, Sikkim Bihari Jagaran Manch, Nagarik Sangrash Samiti and other citizens who fall under such category numbering around 200 had attended the meeting.

Satyanarayan Periwal had chaired the meeting which unanimously decided to form the JAC headed by Prem Goyal.

Goyal apprised the meeting that he has already filed a prayer petition in the Rajya Sabha last year requesting the intervention of the Union Government for ‘equal rights and status’ to those people in Sikkim who had settled in the State before the merger.

Goyal’s petition was supported by the meeting.

It was decided that the JAC will henceforth, will also work on the issue of income tax exemption for old settlers in Sikkim.