Monday, August 9, 2010

Residential Certificates should be issued after proper verification’

SE Report

GANGTOK, August 8: Terming Chief Minister Pawan Chamling’s announcement to issue ‘Residential Certificates’ to the left out business category citizens residing in Sikkim as ‘historic’, SDF North/East District publicity secretary Mohamad Khalid today said that the decision has fulfilled the promise of providing equal status and identity to the people residing since the time of the Chogyal regime.

“Now the old settlers, who were suppressed and mostly poor and backward in all business fields will get a renewed chance to stand up in their business again,” Khalid said in a press release issued today.

He has also thanked the Chief Minister for the historic decision. “This is also a proof that SDF’s slogan Bhotey, Lapchay, Nepali and Byapari is not a mere slogan of the party but was true,” he added.

Khalid has further requested that those residential certificates should be issued after proper verification only so that the facilities and opportunities provided by the government should not reach to wrong hands.

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