Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sikkim Subject Bachao Committee stages a dharna

Posted on by iSikkim | Category: Featured Post Local News Politics | 15 views | 1 Comment

If the Chief Minister Pawan Chamling fails to provide their rights to the people of Sikkim then the Central Government should intervene and President’s Rule should be implemented in the State, said Mr Nar Bahadur Bhandari the Chief Convener of Sikkim Subject Bachao Committee during the Dharna (protest) against the State Government’s Notification (regarding grant of Residential Certificates) that was staged in front of the office of the District Collector, East, Gangtok on 22nd December from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
He also said that the Committee will continue their protest and the mission to spread awareness amongst the people regarding the repercussion of such a policy decision till the time the State Government withdraws this anti- people Notification. He further mentioned that the State Government should fulfill demand of the people of the state and the Residential Certificate Notification is totally against the people. State Government has issued it illegally which is not for the people. Bhandari further added that Sikkim Subject Bachao Committee has been conducting all their programmes peacefully but today some anti social element tried to disturb the programme in front of the Sikkim Police. Government should take legal action on the woman who tried to cause tension in the venue of the dharna otherwise the Committee will take reaction.
Similarly Padam Chettri, General Secretary of said Committee informed that the Committee also wants to control influx in the state but through Residential Certificate influx number may increase in the State. The Committee is not against RC but before issuing the RC Government should prepare a name list of left out people but they don’t have any such programme. The Committee also wants to know who are the left out people because many original Sikkimese are also left out so that before issuing the RC the Government will have to handover the list of left out people. He further added that there are many people who were deprived from RC in 1961 and Government has to provide them Sikkim Subject not only RC. He said that they will protest against it through the party in national level also. Pahalman Subba, former MP also the Chief Convener of Committee said that Government should take action on the lady and he further alleged that this was preplanned by the government to disturb the programme.
On the occasion Biraj Adhikari, President of Sikkim National Peoples Party, AD Subba, President of Sikkim Himali Rajya Parishad Party, Punya Prasad Koirala, General Secretary of CPI(M) Sikkim Unit and around sixty people were present from other political parties.
Courtesy: Sikkim Mail

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