Friday, January 4, 2013

MANGAN, 02 Jan: Lum Orange Growers Association (LOGA), promoted by Krishi Vigyan Kendra [KVK] Mangan, has started the supply of packaged Lum oranges for markets within and outside the state.
The initiative was launched by Minister for Energy & Power, Sonam Gyatso Lepcha here at Gor, Lower Dzongu, North Sikkim in the presence of Zilla Adhyaksha North, Anguli Lepcha, Programme Coordinator KVK Mangan, Tshering Thendup Bhutia, panchayat vice president, Tshering Gyatso Lepcha and other members.
The oranges packed in cartons will be supplied within and outside the state, informed Tshering Gyatso Lepcha. The packaging has been done by the LOGA members in Lum Village with each carton containing 30 large sized oranges costing Rs. 150 per carton.

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