Monday, July 28, 2008

Press Release dt 22nd July 2008

Press Release dt 22nd July 2008

The Association of Old businessmen of Sikkim submitted a memorandum to the office of the Hon’ble Chief Minister on 15th July 2008, urging him to kindly recommend their case to the Union Government to include old businessmen of Sikkim for exemption from Central Income tax.

The Association congratulates the Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr Pawan Chamling for having so effectively met the aspirations of the Sikkimese people in achieving to get the long pending demand of exemption from Central Income Tax to Sikkim Subject Holders, fulfilled.

Earlier on 10th April 2008, a delegation of old businessmen had called on Hon’ble Chief Minister at his official residence at Mintokgang and drawn his kind attention to the request of the old businessmen for not letting them be isolated from their Sikkimese brethren with whom they have lived harmoniously for generations, in the matter of Central Income Tax.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister has time and again appreciated and acknowledged the old businessmen of Sikkim as the pillars of economic development and assured them equal treatment with all Sikkimese people .

The Association is grateful to Hon’ble Chief Minister for his assurance on State Day the 16th May 2008 at Chintan Bhawan wherein he deliberated upon the necessity of providing equal treatment to old businessmen by way of declaration of a cut off year and by requesting the Union Government to include them also in the exemption from Central Income Tax .

The Association of Old businessmen of Sikkim is also grateful to Honorable Chief Minister for having assured the old business community of Sikkim that he will now take up the matter of seeking Income tax exemption for the old established business people of Sikkim, in the recently concluded Sikkim Legislative Assembly session on 10th June 2008.

It is a matter of great satisfaction for us that recognizing the contribution of the old business community of Sikkim, The Chief Minister has further assured that his government is pursuing options for the needful including the Ladakh Model to meet the aspirations of this deserving lot.

Again on the occasion of Kranti Diwas, Hon’ble Chief Minister has assured his determination to see that the old businessmen as well as the Men in Service are covered under income tax exemption net.

The Association also appreciates his concern and generosity towards those government servants who could not be covered under Income Tax Exemption category, but being residents of the State, they could also be covered under the Ladakh Model.

The Association of old businessmen of Sikkim humbly request the Hon’ble Chief Minister to give strength to this cause by bringing a suitable resolution to this effect in the ensuing session of Sikkim Legislative Assembly due on 28th July 2008..

The Association of Old Businessmen of Sikkim joins one and all at this hour of jubilation, our great visionary leader having achieved to get exemption from Direct taxes for our Sikkim Subject brethren.

Association of Old businessmen of Sikkim, Gangtok

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