Sunday, April 7, 2013

Old Memorandum of Sikkim Chamber of Commerce to 13th Finance Commission


The Chairman
13th Finance Commission
Government of India
Camp: Gangtok

Hon’ble Sir,

Sikkim Chamber of Commerce greets Dr Vijay L. Kelkar, Chairman,  Shri B K Chaturvedi, Dr Indira Rajaraman, Dr Sanjeev Mishra, Prof Atul Sarma and Shri Sumit Bose- members of 13th Finance Commission and wish a comfortable stay in Sikkim . We sincerely hope that your visit will bring more prosperity to Sikkim, help further the process of integration and expedite progress of its inhabitants.

Sikkim Chamber of Commerce is the only trade organization which has its roots in the former Kingdom of Sikkim. We have seen the rule of Chogyal (King) who has always been kind to his people and the traders in particular whom he always regarded as pillars of economy and most instrumental in bringing development.

The merger of Sikkim with India has opened flood gates to development and prosperity. The successive governments have done their best to bring more happiness on the face of people. The current government headed by Dr Pawan Chamling is leading the State since 14 years and has made a major impact on the economy providing foundation to modern Sikkim, successfully placing the State to a position of envy and delight for all.

Dr Pawan Chamling, Honorable Chief Minister the visionary personality has brought many new ideas of governance in Sikkim. The empowerment of the Panchayats and Right to Information have both helped in creating a situation where every rupee is thoughtfully spent for the people.

 Sikkim, the tiny Himalayan State is a paradise on earth where nature has been the kindest possible, bestowing its people with topography ranging from 300 feet to to 28000 feet and as a result of which varieties of climates from Polar to Sub tropical,  flora and fauna , people and their cultures exist here in the most harmonious manner under the blessings of our guardian deity Mt Kanchenjunga. Sikkim the model State with more than 11 languages and 5 climatic zones and multiple cultures thus offers an UNIQUE PLACE for research for the cause of mankind.

Placing due recognition to the strategic location of the State, it is imperative that the Union Government does all that is possible to maintain peace and tranquility in the region by uplifting the standard of living, making the people more knowledgeable, competitive and accessible to different modes of modernization that are urgently required for overall development of the State and its people

Though principally an agricultural State, the region is fast attaining the position of a favoured tourism destination and the youths are inclined towards making it best by exploring newer vistas, determined in making tourism as an alternate source of constructive employment . It is desired that the Commission takes due cognizance of this  necessity of the people and recommend continuous and larger resources for creation of  additional facilities like development of adventure parks, ropeway from Gangtok to Nathula and new assets in village tourism.

We are grateful to Government of India for having appreciated the need for better, smooth and reliable transportation system in this difficult area and for being kind enough to flag off work in construction of Airport at Pakyong and Rail link from Sevok to Rangpo.

In this context may we submit here  that since the area is  landslide prone  and often subjected to blockades due to various reasons including vagaries of nature, an alternate double lane highway , is most immediately required connecting Nathula to Siliguri which can be used in peace time for trade and transit and during war times to protect the nation, such that the process of development, trade, commerce and industry  goes ahead uninterrupted.

And since this process of creating infrastructure is likely to take  4 to 7 years, introduction of a subsidized 18 seater helicopter service is solicited at the earliest.

This Chamber is grateful to the Government of India for having announced setting up of Industrial Training Institutes at all district headquarters in Sikkim. On the trade, commerce and industrial front it is desired:

•       Home entrepreneurs should be encouraged for setting up industries by providing them additional benefits.

•       Since the upcoming Hydel Power Projects shall be generating huge power energy to the tune of 5500 MWs by the next 10 years and 12% free power to be given by them to the State shall be in excess of domestic requirements, home entrepreneurs could be considered for highly subsidised power supply as in the case of Meghalaya.

•       Reduction of excise duty exemption benefits as earlier available   vide Policy on Industries in North East has started producing negative results and this is viewed as detrimental to the growth of industries/employment in Sikkim. It is prayed that 100% excise duty exemption be continued as  announced in the Industrial Policy 2007.

•       In view of the coming National Goods and Services tax regime which shall ultimately ensure uniformity of prices nationwide in the interest of consumer, this Chamber requests that all the allied taxes like Toll Tax and Environment Cess etc be abolished and help smooth running of  trade, commerce & industry.

•       In view of rich forest wealth the State is blessed with, the Commission be kind enough to recommend allowing exploration of medicinal herbs on a commercial basis which could be monitored and regulated by an appropriate authority.

•       With due respect to the high quality of talent, environment friendly atmosphere, fast connectivity, and easy adaptability of people, it is felt that the State could be developed into a model centre to house I T Parks, Call Centres, BPO Centres etc which would definitely be more economical here and shall provide employment and revenue to the State.

•       It is seen that there is a continuous movement of youth from villages to towns to find employment which has resulted in burdening the already constrained resources of the towns and weakened the rural base making development lopsided. We are of the considered view that there is a need to encourage development of the State as a totally Urban State and the Commission be kind enough to  liberally fund the state on this account.

 •      Various incentives like Income tax and Excise duty exemptions and a lot of subsidies  has attracted a number of giant Pharma Units whose total investment in a few years will be more than 5000 crores. Besides providing employment,  it has raised the land prices to the benefit of local owners and changed the mind framework of the local community towards enterprises. A number of industrial subsidiaries sponsored by Sikkim residents are on the pipeline. It is suggested that the Union Government should come out to fund “creation of Industrial land pool” for inviting more investments for the development of the State.

•       Education has been the prime target to make people more knowledgeable and a free education with free text book and  meals, has been a big attraction to lure children to schools. 82% of the population is now educated. Besides, Sikkim University  is working hard for providing on a perennial basis streams of knowledge for people of Sikkim and nearby areas. The people of Sikkim shall ever remain grateful if the Commission is kind enough to recommend setting up of a Regional Engineering College in the State.

•       Sir, We are not far behind in Sports. Our ace footballer Bhaichung Bhutia is bringing national laurels. The Government is creating infrastructure for sports developments and in several sports Sikkim is showing its presence in National Games. More investment in this field is called for  like setting up of specific game oriented and floodlit stadia that would qualify us for holding International events. The people of Sikkim shall be honoured if your goodselves would recommend setting up of a full fledged operational Sports Authority of India Facility/Complex in the State to enable the region produce quality sportsmen to compete both at National and International games.

Health Tourism is an area where we can put more think tank. These days Health tourism has become a great forex earner. Since Sikkim has a very healthy climate, it is suggested that Government of India can enmark a fund to make a Study on how and In what way an attractive package can be developed to attract patients for health rejunuvation in Sikkim. Investments on physical assets development could be thought of once the study is completed.

After the visit of our Honourable Chief Minister to Europe and US, he visualized making Towns of Sikkim cleaner, more attractive and more tourists friendly. Works has been undertaken to give a facelift to M G Road, the heart of Gangtok and we all have found a  change for the better. Similar beautification projects are being taken by the Government. We urge Commission to recommend special funds on a 100% grant for the beautification of the towns of Sikkim.

Sikkim today exhibits an excellent example of brotherhood and friendship between all its inhabitants, the Lepchas, The Bhutias, the Nepalis and the Plainsmen who  have made Sikkim their home for good.

Sir, we are grateful to Government of India for giving exemption from Direct taxes to Sikkim Subject Holders and we request that all the “LEFT OUT SIKKIMESE” living here since the days of the monarchy are also dealt with in uniform manner with due respect to their sentiments and sense of belonging with this soil

Under the dynamic leadership of Dr Pawan Chamling Sikkim has great future and things are on the positive notes all over Sikkim. Sikkim is projected to fast change into a modern, well networked City State as our Chief Minster often mentions.

We have the highest regard for this Commission and we hope that you will understand the special situation of Sikkim, its strategic location, its difficult terrain and remoteness,  its warm people and its natural wealth and  recommend more resources for  development of this land of Kanchenjunga.

May Guru Padmasambhava’s blessings ever remain on all of us.

With highest regards,

Yours truly,

Sikkim Chamber of Commerce

GANGTOK:  10TH NOV.2008.

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