Sunday, September 11, 2011

Address of the outgoing President ,Sikkim Chamber of Commerce, Shri S K Sarda  at the AGM  held on 10th Sept 2011 at Gangtok,Sikkim

Dear Friends,
First of all I shall like to thank you all for the excellent support given during the last two terms and this has helped us to make an impressive and successful tenure.
 It is your guidance from time to time that helped us to present this Chamber’s views on various subjects  with our Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr Pawan Chamling and also at many Forums/Department /and Committees’ meetings.
 I remember the “Meet The NGO’s programme” chaired by Hon’ble Chief Minister four years back. We got an opportunity to make our first public presentation at Chintan Bhawan then. And from here we started developing good rapport with our Chief Minister and the Government of Sikkim.
We made an exhaustive presentation for the upgradation of Gangtok Town  at Chintan Bhawan in a programme organized by UD&HD. Most of our suggestions have been incorporated in the Master Plan for Gangtok. We are thankful to UD&HD department for the same.
We made presentation before the Burman Committee established by the Government of Sikkim and we are glad that the Committee in its final report has made references to our views too.
We got an opportunity to participate on a Live Talk managed by Australian TV/Radio during the 3 days trip of Hon’ble Prime Minister of India to Beijing, China in the year 2008.
We also got an opportunity for Live discussions on National TV during the Nathula opening in July 2006 along with eminent personalities. 
The business community has been serving the people of Sikkim since 1861 and have been active participants in the development of this sacred Himalayan State. Holding development of the State uppermost in our minds, we have worked, shared and walked shoulder to shoulder through all thick and thin with all our Sikkimese brethren for the last two centuries.
We discovered that in spite of our roots in Sikkim dating back to generations, we were inadvertently left out from many of our rights and privileges.
Three years back, we attended the Kranti Diwas programme at SDF Bhawan at Bypass, Tadong where our Hon’ble Chief Minister called upon our community members not to sleep but come out and raise grievances. This statement gave a lot of courage to us and our team started collecting old documents of our community and its contribution to Sikkim.
A voluminous  192 pages Memorandum was submitted to Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr Pawan Chamling, wherein we brought all the historical perspective supported with documents and old records of our community.
This Association has time and again taken up various issues pertaining to us with the Hon’ble Chief Minister who has been kind enough to voice strong support for the business community and has taken a series of effective steps towards fulfillment of the same with commitment.
1.   The ruling Sikkim Democratic Front in its 17th Foundation day Maha Sammelan at Rangpo on March 4, 2009  adopted a resolution being resolution No 4 to work and secure exemption for the old settlers after obtaining ratification of this stand with the support of the people of Sikkim.
2   The Hon’ble Chief Minister has asked us to make survey and prepare a list of Left Out Individuals residing in the State prior to merger and also asked the community members in his various public meetings to keep ready their oldest documents available for consideration of the same.  The Survey report was duly submitted to the Government by our sister organization- Association of Old Settlers of Sikkim.
3. The intention is also reflected in the SDF party’s election manifesto 2009 in the just concluded Assembly elections:    
  “ While protecting this achievement of securing exemption from the Central Income tax, our Government has not lost sight of the genuine demands of the old business communities, old residents and old government employees, both State and Centre. Our government is seized of this problem and we are going to strongly plead for equal rights of the old business community of Sikkim.” ( SDF Manifesto- page 16)

4. After coming to power for the 4th consecutive term with a thumping majority, Hon’ble CM has reiterated his support and stand on the matter.
 5. His Excellency, The Governor of Sikkim in his address to the Sikkim Legislative Assembly in its Budget session on 27th July 2009 has said:
“For persons who have not been covered under the definition of the term ‘Sikkimese’ in the IT Act but who have been  residing in Sikkim prior to the merger of the State in the Indian Union, my Government is vigorously pursuing with the Government of India to exempt them also from payment of Income Tax.”
6.  The Hon’ble Chief Minister during the vote of thanks on the last day of the Budget session of the SLA has announced:
“The issue related to income tax exemption for old settlers and old employees would be resolved, we have made a commitment to the people in this regard and will remain clear in our pursuit of resolving this issue favorably.”
                7. His Excellency, The Governor of Sikkim in his address at the third session of the Eighth Sikkim Legislative Assembly on 21-06-2010 has said
“My Government is also representing before the Government of India for granting Income Tax Exemption to the left out communities who are in different walks of life living in Sikkim for generations”.
8. The Hon’ble Chief Minister duly recognizing the genuineness of our demands has been kind enough to introduce a historic Government Resolution in Sikkim Legislative Assembly vide Resolution No 2 of 2011 on the subject “Seeking exemption from payment of Income Tax under the Income tax Act 1961 for the left out categories of persons” and same received unanimous approval of Sikkim Legislative Assembly on 26th March 2011.
The resolution in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly is a historic moment for us as it reflected the will of the people of Sikkim , the will of the Government and the will of the SDF party under the leadership of our Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr Pawan Chamling.
It is true -What Our Hon’ble Chief Minister promises, he fulfills.
Hon’ble Chief Minister has brought reforms in the Urban Body’s management and gave the business community seven seats in the various urban bodies of Gangtok, Namchi, Rangpo, Jorethang, Geyzing,  Rangpo and Mangan. His big heart is reflected in giving the seat of prestigious Deputy Mayor of Gangtok Municipal Corporation to our community.
Recently, on the issue of Trade Licence fees and simplification of Trade licence norms, UD&HD invited us to a series of meetings to give our views and we are happy that the same has been reflected in the final report which has since been accepted and notified.
The notification regarding issue of Residential Certificate is another blessings from the Hon’ble Chief Minister for this community.
We feel proud and lucky that we are born in this blessed land of Guru Padmasambhava whose blessings have brought immense Peace and Prosperity in Sikkim and brought before us a magnificent leader of Dr Pawan Chamling stature as Chief Minister whose vision and work has brought Sikkim in the forefront of Indian Nation.
 We are grateful to Hon’ble Shri K T Gyaltsen, Speaker SLA, Hon’ble Ministers of Government of Sikkim, Hon’ble MLAs, Chiefs of Urban Bodies and the whole bureaucracy led by the Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim and the People of Sikkim for their support for our just cause.
A Golden Era in Sikkim is ON and the business community too is getting its benefits in better and bigger opportunities and We must put our love and affection and contribution for the development and Peace of Sikkim.
Our Salutations to Mount Kanchenjunga  whose blessings shall ever remain on us.
Let us dedicate ourselves for the development and peace of Sikkim.
Jai Hind , Jai Sikkim

Sikkim Chamber of Commerce
DT 10 Sept 2011
( This is the Address presented on 10 Sept 2011 at the AGM of Sikkim Chamber Of Commerce at Gangtok )

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