Sunday, September 11, 2011


DT 10 SEPT 2011


The members of Sikkim Chamber of Commerce elected a new executive body on 10 Sept 2011 under the leadership of Shri Ashok Sarda as President and Shri Kailash Agarwal as its General Secretary. The election was held under the supervision of:
Mr. Menla Ethenpa - Observer
Mr. Sudesh Joshi, Advocate - Election officer
Mr. Nehru Marda CA - Election officer
For the first time in the history of NGOs in India ‘RIGHT TO REJECT’ option was exercised in this election which was held by secret ballot with a ‘NONE’ column included in the name of candidates list on the ballot paper
The election was preceded by Annual General Meeting. The meeting was anchored by Shri Ramesh Periwal, Vice-President, SCC. The Treasurer Shri Mohanlal Sarda presented Accounts for approval which was followed by presentation of working report by Shri Suresh Agarwal, General Secretary highlighting the achievements and projects in pipeline.
The outgoing President of the Chamber Shri S K Sarda presented his keynote address. While thanking all the business community for their excellent support, he was overwhelmed by the blessings of the Hon’ble Chief Minister Dr Pawan Chamling reflected through his positive actions to fulfill commitments made to the business community of Sikkim from time to time.
He called upon the business community to set up more enterprises which can accommodate more local unemployed youth and urged them to dedicate themselves for the development and peace of Sikkim.
The election of Sikkim Chamber of commerce was held in the most democratic manner with 65% members excercising their franchise. The Team led by Mr. Ashok Sarda secured 70 % votes. The results were announced by Election Observer Mr. Menla Ethenpa in a jam packed audience.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks proposed by the Incoming General Secretary Shri Kailash Agarwal.

( Suresh Agarwal)
Outgoing General Secretary
Sikkim Chamber of Commerce

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