Monday, March 5, 2012

Encyclopaedia of Sikkim and Bhutan 

(3 Vols-Set)

Edited by S.K. Sharma, Anmol, 796 p, 3 Vols, tables, ISBN : 8174884899, Rs. 0.00    (Free shipping within India only. No extras for postage and handling. )
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Encyclopaedia of Sikkim and Bhutan/edited by S.K. Sharma Edited by S.K. Sharma Vedams Books 8174884899 Contents: Vol. I. Documents on Sikkim and Bhutan: Preface. 1. Treaty of Titalia, 1817. 2. Translation of the deed of Gramt making over Darjeeling to the East India Company dated 1 February 1835. 3. Treaty between India and Sikkim, 1961. 4. Khureeta to his highness the Deb Rajah intimating the annexation of Ambaree Fallacottah (Dated Simla, 9th June 1864). 5. Luchmidas Pradhan's appeal to the Government of Bengal for protection of his holding which he received in 1867. 6. Deed of lease of lands to Luchmidas and his family in 1874. 7. Two diaries of travel in Sikkim in 1875--an introduction. 8. A diary of travel in the British portion of Sikkim, between the 6th and 16th May, 1875. 9. A diary of travel in the Darjiling district and independent Sikkim between 26th May and 8th June, 1875. 10. Letters permittting the Maharaja of Sikkim to mint coins (Dooba pice) in his territory from the records as preserved in the national archives, New Delhi. 11. Convention between Great Britain and China relating to Sikkim and Tibet, 1890. 12. Regulations regarding trade, communication and pasturage. 13. The state of Sikkim. 14. Press note of the Ministry of External Affairs, 20 March, 1950 press note of the Ministry of External Affairs, 20 March, 1950. 15. The text of the India-Sikkim peace treaty issued in Gangtok on 5 December, 1950. 16. Letters exchanged between the political officer and the Maharaja of Sikkim regarding article IX para (3) of the Indo-Sikkim treaty of 1950. 17. Sikkim, Bhutan and Indo-Tibetan trade. 18. Alleged Chinese propaganda about Bhutan and Sikkim. 19. Text of statement on Sikkim. 20. Text of the Sikkim agreement, May 8, 1973.
21. The Government of Sikkim Bill 1974. 22. The Constitution (Thirty-sixth amendment) Bill, 1974. 23. Proceedings of the Sikkim Assembly May 10, 1974. 24. Proceedings of the Sikkim Assembly held at 9.45 P.M. on Thursday, June 20, 1974. 25. Proceedings of the Sikkim Assembly held at 7. P.M. on Friday, June 28, 1974. 26. Proceedings of the meeting of the Sikkim Assembly held at 3.45 P.M. at the Assembly House on Wednesday, July 3, 1974. 27. The Constitution (Thirty-eighth amendment) Bill, 1975. 28. Sikkim: administrative machinery. 29. State laws of Sikkim. 30. President's rule in Sikkim. 31. Personnel of the Government of Sikkim. 32. The code of Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal. 33. Articles of a treaty of peace between the Honorable English East India Company and the Deb or Rajah of Bootan. 34. Articles of trade drawn up by Bogle in 1774 with the Deb Raja of Bhutan. 35. Translation of Ikrar Namah agreed to by the Booteah Zeenkafs on the 2nd June, 1836. 36. A Bhutanese text on Bhutan-Nepal relation. 37. The truth about Bootan. 38. Godwin Austen's map of Western Bhutan and his survey report, 1864. 39. Khureeta to his highness the Deb Rajah of Bhutan, 9 June, 1864. 40. Translation of the document which Mr. Eden Signed under compulsion in 1864.
41. Proclamation regarding the annexation of the Bengal Duars 12th November, 1864. 42. The treaty concluded at Sinchula on the 11th day of November, 1865. 43. Articles of the treaty between the Honourable East India Company and Dharendranarayan Raja of Cooch Behar, 1773. 44. Correspondence. 45. Agreement (April 1866). 46. Proclamation of annexation of the Doars and others territory of Bhutan (4th July 1866). 47. A Bhutanese Kasho to Dalchan and Gajarman Gurung (original text in Nepali, translation by B.B. Shrestha). 48. Oath of allegiance signed at Punakha at the installation of Sir Ugyen Wangchuk as King of Bhutan, 17 December 1907. 49. The treaty of Punakha, 1910. 50. The treaty of November 1910 between India and Bhutan concerning entradition and other related matters. 51. Negotiating a treaty with Bhutan. 52. Indo-Bhutan treaty of 1949. 53. The state of Bhutan. 54. Constitution of the Tshogdu of Bhutan--1953 or the constitution of the National Assembly. 55. An appeal to his majesty's Government of Bhutan [Taxation and political reforms] (Original text in Nepali). 56. Report of the Indian officials. 57. First Bhutan cabinet expected to be announced soon. 58. Bhutan traitors revive Slur: India 'Exploiting' king. 59. Decision not to appoint a council of regents. 60. Plot against his majesty and royal Government of Bhutan. 61. Bhutan: miscellaneous documents. 62. Bhutanese Citizenship Act, 1977. 63. The Bhutan Citizenship Act, 1985. 64. Confidential. 65. Kasho(s), communications, and notifications. 66. Case histories of the victims of government atrocities.
Vol. II. History, Geography and Travels: Preface. 1. Report on a visit to Sikhim and the Thibetan frontier. 2. Memorandum of a few routes in Sikhim. 3. The lake region of Sikkim, on the frontier of Tibet. 4. Report of a mission to Sikkim and the Tibetan frontier. 5. Independent Sikkim--Gnatong. 6. Introduction to the gazetteer of Sikhim. 7. Elevation and distances of the military gateway. 8. Rivers of Sikkim. 9. Sikkim. 10. Sikkim legislature. 11. Sikkim and Bhutan: an historical conspectus. 12. India's bilateral relations with Bhutan and Sikkim--The Nehru era. 13. Journal of the mission to Bootan, in 1837-38. 14. Bootan. 15. Bhotan and the Dooar war. 16. Tassisudon, the capital of Bhutan. 17. Captain Pemberton's mission, 1838. 18. Account of Bootan. 19. History and Government of Bhutan. 20. British Bhootan. 21. Bhutan. 22. Indo-Bhutanese relations. 23. Synoptical table of heights, cultivation, vegetation and geology of various places in Bootan. 24. The chief routes in Bootan. 25. Table of distances from Dewangiri to Poonakha, the winter capital of Bootan, and Thence to Bengal.
Vol. III. Social and Cultural Heritage: Preface. 1. Sikkim. 2. Sikkim--the land and its people. 3. Lamaism in Sikhim. 4. The people: their morals, religion and language. 5. Demonolatry. 6. Monasteries in Sikkim. 7. J.C. White's statement representing payment for the education expected from private sources in Sikkim. 8. Note on agriculture in Sikkim. 9. Sikkim: land economics. 10. People Sikkim. 11. The laws of Sikhim and marriage customs. 12. List of some villages with communities. 13. Marriage customs of the Sikhimese. 14. Sikkim: glossary terms. 15. Sikkim--a statistical survey. 16. Arts and industries of Sikhim and Bhutan. 17. Civil and social state. 18. The priesthood. 19. Bhutan--the 'Land of Dragons'. 20. Bhutan 'Sale of sites' and 'Town development and regulation' rules, 1976. 21. Bhutan's third Five Year Plan. 22. Genealogical table of the Bhutanese royal family. 23. The traditional Bhutanese administrative structure. 24. The administrative structure in Bhutan. 25. Bhutan: places and centres of historical or religious interest. 26. Bhutanese words and their English equivalents. 27. Bhutan: summary of terrorist activities. 28. Ethnic cleansing in the Himalayas. 29. Bhutan: refugee categorization. 30. Bhutan--a statistical survey.
"This encyclopaedia focuses on two Himalayan Kingdoms Sikkim (now a Indian state) and Bhutan and delves deeply into the multi-facet aspects like political treaties, covenant or agreements signed between the two countries and British India, their history, geography and travels and social and cultural heritage. The volume has traversed into the unsurpassable domains and terrains through the accounts of early travellers to these Himalayan Kingdoms. Both the kingdoms had been viewed for political and their highly strategic value from the very beginning and India has always assured them full security. In the words of Jawaharlal Nehru that any incursion into Bhutan or Sikkim will be considered incursion into India. The volumes carry the faithful accounts by the early travellers who have very minutely narrated the minutest details about the region, people, culture, customs, fauna and flora, trade and trade routes, economy, and social and cultural heritage.
"The encyclopaedic treatment of the subject in convincing, interesting, simple and comprehensive language enhances the value of this encyclopaedia and enable the readers to be fully engrossed and lost in these pages. It also acquaints all scholars to be fully aware of all the political treaties made so far for the defence of Sikkim and Bhutan and it also enriches their cultural and social knowledge with gradual study of these authentic, and authoritative papers presented here." (jacket) 

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