Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friday, May 4, 2012 / Vaisakha 14, 1934 (Saka)

RESOLUTIONS proposed in Parliament

12.   FURTHER DISCUSSION on the following resolution moved by                
Shri Harish Chaudhary on the 26thAugust, 2011:-
“This House expresses its deep concern over the
backwardness prevailing in the desert regions of
the Country and urges upon the Government to
prepare and implement a special economic
package for:-
(i)  overall development of desert regions on the
lines of the economic package provided to
the north-eastern States to mitigate the
problems being faced by the people living in
desert regions;  and
(ii)  enabling the people of these regions to
achieve a level of socio-economic
development at par with the people living in
other parts of the country.

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