Saturday, November 10, 2012


GANGTOK, 19 Oct: The state might just experience a spurt in innovation and entrepreneurship in various fields now that the state has a Sikkim Innovation Council for the promotion of inclusive innovation and entrepreneurial talent of the Sikkimese people.
This council has been constituted under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister with the Minister, Department of Science and Technology as vice chairman. This is a 17-member multidisciplinary body with heads of various departments as well. The Council will function under the Department of Science and Technology.
Primarily charged with promoting innovation in various fields the council is also to identify and reward talents who display innovation. At the same time it is envisaged that there will be special research fund created to encourage innovation outside the formal structure.
Taking the state to the next level in entrepreneurship there will be innovation ecosystems created along with seminars, workshops, conferences etc on innovation; besides there is also to be a state innovation portal. Interestingly, the Council will also look into aspects of encouraging and identifying avenues for innovation in governance.
The focus will be on inclusive growth which will serve as the basis for the state model of innovation. The state is to come up with special schemes and policy measures as well as to drive this in rural as well as urban areas.
The policy measures, it is informed, will cover social sectors including agriculture, horticulture, education, health, ecology, rural and urban development, water resources, renewable energy, etc,.
Other members of this Council include Secretaries, Forest, Health, Horticulture, RMDD, Animal Husbandry, Industries and Science & Technology. Also in the Council are officials of GB Pant Institute of Himalayan and Environmental Development, ICAR, Micro Small Medium Enterprise Development Institute, National Research Centre for Orchids and Spices Board. Also included are Principals of Tadong College and the Law College.

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